What conditions may be helped with MHBOT?
How could mHBOT benefit me?
How will I feel during and after a treatment?
Generally, hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a relaxing experience – in fact most people drift off to
sleep. Afterwards, you may feel more alert, awake and energised. Some people may
temporarily experience minor detox symptoms after a treatment; most commonly fatigue -
possibly for 10 minutes or so.
What does it feel like in the chamber?
You may feel a change of pressure in your ears similar to the sensation of descending in an
aircraft or diving deeply in water. During a treatment your heart rate and blood pressure will
lower as the chamber pressurises, helping you to relax. The increased level of oxygen also
promotes a deep sense of relaxation. One hour in this oxygen rich environment may be
equivalent to three hours of quality sleep. A good time to relax, meditate, sleep or read.
Is mHBOT safe?
Yes, it is safe for the very young to the elderly. There have been no known side effects
reported from mHBOT. The chamber can be used without the danger of oxygen toxicity.
What are the contraindications to using mHBOT?
The only absolute contraindications to mild HBOT are pneumothorax and air-trapping
Other contraindications are:
Pregnancy is a relative contraindication. If you think you may be pregnant please speak with
your health professional and your hyperbaric therapist.
Your mHBOT therapist will give you an assessment before you undergo a treatment.
How long is a session?
A usual session is 90 minutes, however you can safely use the chamber for much longer. We
accept bookings for both shorter and longer sessions.
What should I wear?
You will be fully clothed during treatment and it is important that you relax, so wear something
loose and comfortable.
Our state of the art chamber has a bed, pillows and blanket inside so you can make yourself
really comfortable and relax deeply.
What can I do in the mHBOT chamber?
Whilst in the chamber you can listen to your favourite music, meditate, read a book, or simply
relax and take a nap…and breathe in the benefits.
How can I communicate while in the chamber?
You will be given a 2 way radio to communicate with reception during your session.
How many sessions will I need?
Treatment length will depend on your individual situation and objectives. Most treatments
require an initial concentration period and then further assessment and treatment relevant to
the initial response to mHBOT. Your mHBOT technician will discuss your lifestyle and health
goals before any treatment is commenced.
After successful treatment, occasional mHBOT maybe recommended to ensure that oxygen
levels remain optimum.
Please contact us at The Retreat for further information or if you have any questions »
E: relax@toryurbanretreat.co.nz
Ph: (04) 384 4329
80 Tory Street
Te Aro
New Zealand Click here for Google Map»